Professional support and advice

At KOCO, we offer professional support and expert advice to young people and their families; delivered in their home or a venue of their choice.

We provide early intervention to young people and families on matters of emotional health and well-being in a personal, sensitive and thoughtful way.

Family-centred interventions can include:

  • Practical Parenting Strategies
  • Sleep Workshops
  • Anxiety Management
  • ADHD Expert Advice
  • Sibling Sessions
  • Parent/Carer Support
  • Liaison With Professional Agencies

All packages are carefully designed for individuals and their families, making interventions personalised, bespoke and meaningful to the child, parent/carer and the family.

KOCO offers work in partnership with families and professionals to address concerns regarding a young person's:

  • Mood
  • Temper
  • Sleep
  • Attention
  • Concentration
  • Friendships
  • Anxieties
  • Habits
  • Behaviour

As well as working with families, we offer professionals such as schools and social care teams, expert interventions that aim to support a young person or group of young people at an early stage of concern.

We provide schools with targeted support and advice, when it is most needed. We work in partnership with schools to tailor our packages in a way that works for them.

Interventions can include:

  • Professional Consultation & Advice
  • Clinical Observations
  • Training & Workshops
  • Staff Support
  • Concentration
  • 1:1 Personalised Intervention Plans for the Young Person
  • Personalised Small Group Intervention Sessions

We work in partnership with schools, colleges and professional groups to meet their needs and the needs of the young people. This enables us to share our skills and knowledge promoting growth for all.

For a FREE and confidential 15 minute consultation, please contact Kelley Osman on 07706 809053. Alternatively,email: